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Deciding Whether to Sue for Injunction, and What is the Process to Obtain Injunctive Relief

August 6, 2018 Presentations, Professional Services Industry Legal Blog, Videos Professional Services

Suing for an injunction in Florida is all about preserving the status quo. Therefore, it’s important to not consider it a tool for righting a wrong. Rather, it’s about dealing with the future, not something that happened in the past. In this presentation, Jimerson Birr Associate Austin B. Calhoun covers Florida law […]

Fraudulent Transfer Remedies & Defenses Under FUFTA

August 2, 2018 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Banking and Financial Services

There are fraudulent transfer remedies available to creditors, whether their claims are liquidated, mature or immature. But what fraudulent transfer defenses are likely, for debtors or creditors alike? Asset protection professionals involved with estates and trusts grapple with understanding these rights everyday. This video presentation was recorded by Jimerson Birr […]

Recommendations for How to Avoid a Consumer Protection Violation

August 2, 2018 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Banking and Financial Services

Many laws have been passed in both the United States and the State of Florida to protect the rights of consumers. As a result, it is incumbent on you to apply policies in your organization to avoid a consumer protection violation. But understanding these protections comes first. This visual presentation […]

Construction Delays: What They Are, Why it Matters & How to Measure Them

August 2, 2018 Construction Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Construction

Construction delays are incredibly costly for contractors and owners. Therefore, the best approach is planning ahead so you can avoid them, then being prepared to effectively manage them if they occur. In this video presentation recorded by Jimerson Birr attorney Austin B. Calhoun, there is an in-depth discussion that defines […]

August Lunch and Learn: Florida Elements of Common Business Litigation Claims

August 6, 2013 Presentations, Professional Services Industry Legal Blog Professional Services

As part of our monthly professional development, each member of our firm is required to periodically present on items germane to our multi-faceted business litigation law practice. This month Law Clerk Austin Calhoun presented on elements to claims we frequently use or defend in our day in day out practice. Attached is the hard copy of the presentation with particular reverence to the sources in which he derived the information.

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Charles B. Jimerson
Managing Partner

Jimerson Birr welcomes inquiries from the media and do our best to respond to deadlines. If you are interested in speaking to a Jimerson Birr lawyer or want general information about the firm, our practice areas, lawyers, publications, or events, please contact us via email or telephone for assistance at (904) 389-0050.

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Jimerson Birr