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Construction Industry Webinar: Bond Law for Subcontractors and Suppliers

July 22, 2020 Construction Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Construction

Managing Problem Construction Projects in Turbulent Times: Tools for Success is a multi-part education series designed for business owners and leaders in the construction industry. Part 3 of the series covered bond law for subcontractors and suppliers, including payment bonds on Federal and Florida public and private construction projects, and […]

Construction Industry Webinar: Liens and Protecting Your Right to Get Paid

July 1, 2020 Construction Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Construction

Managing Problem Construction Projects in Turbulent Times: Tools for Success is a multi-part education series designed for business owners and leaders in the construction industry. Part 2, titled “Liens and Protecting Your Right to Get Paid,” covered Florida lien law and other mechanisms that subcontractors and suppliers can employ to […]

Construction Industry Webinar: Notice and Documenting of Claims

July 1, 2020 Construction Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Construction

Managing Problem Construction Projects in Turbulent Times: Tools for Success is a multi-part education series designed for business owners and leaders in the construction industry. Part 1, titled “Notice and Documenting of Claims,” covered notice and documenting of claims; specifically, how to properly document and provide timely notice of claims […]

Collections Law: Necessary Steps to Perfect and Collect the Judgment

August 9, 2018 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Banking and Financial Services

Congratulations! The court has ruled in your favor and awarded a favorable judgment. However, there is no contact with the defendant and it’s not clear what assets are in play. Therefore, you need an effective plan on how to aggressively collect the judgement due–but without violating federal or state laws […]

The Bankruptcy Code: The Automatic Stay – How it Impacts Debtors, Creditors and Trustees

August 7, 2018 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Banking and Financial Services

What happens when a debtor is granted an automatic stay in bankruptcy court? Essentially, it halts creditors and potential creditors from trying to collect pre-bankruptcy debts. However, there are exceptions which may be relevant to your case. This video presentation explains the automatic stay as set forth in the U.S. […]

Your Guide to the Construction Project Payment Process, Including Retainage

August 7, 2018 Construction Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Construction

Construction projects at their foundation are no different than any other businesses. Cash is king. Therefore, those who control the cash, often control the process. As a result, lenders and owners have major advantages in negotiation with a certified contractor. However, contractors and sub-contractors who thoroughly understand the process can […]

Florida Business Break-up 101: Issues, Mechanisms, Planning, Forcing, Defending and Valuation

August 7, 2018 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Professional Services Industry Legal Blog, Videos Banking and Financial Services, Professional Services

A Florida business break-up can be messy. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead, owners of a business who plan ahead with consideration of potential future challenges can help ensure an amicable break-up, free of drama or difficulty. And by having an experienced contract law attorney in your […]

How to Understand Purchase Money Security Interest or PMSI and Other Categories of Collateral That are Excluded From a Collateral Lien

August 7, 2018 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Banking and Financial Services

A collateral lien may exclude some categories of collateral. This is of particular concern if a piece of property changes from one category to another. In this video presentation, Charles B. Jimerson and two additional attorneys provide a thorough explanation of purchase money security interest (also known as PMSI). Additionally, the speakers […]

Guide to Understanding a Construction Contract for Certified Contractors and Sub-Contractors in Florida

August 7, 2018 Construction Industry Legal Blog, Presentations, Videos Construction

The construction industry has rebounded following the recession of 2008. Therefore, there is a greater demand for builders and their work than we’ve seen in years. Having a clear, thorough, binding construction contract helps to ensure that both the contractor and the client know what to expect. It also helps […]

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Charles B. Jimerson
Managing Partner

Jimerson Birr welcomes inquiries from the media and do our best to respond to deadlines. If you are interested in speaking to a Jimerson Birr lawyer or want general information about the firm, our practice areas, lawyers, publications, or events, please contact us via email or telephone for assistance at (904) 389-0050.

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Jimerson Birr