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Open and Obvious Defense in Construction Projects: It’s not Just for Contractors

January 27, 2015 Construction Industry Legal Blog

By: James O. Birr, III, Esq.

Contractors, architects, engineers, and other design professionals must be aware of the “open and obvious” defense applicable to their work in connection with construction projects. This defense is sometimes referred to as the Slavin doctrine. The Slavin doctrine was created to limit a contractor’s liability to third persons. However, Florida courts also apply this defense to design professionals. Transportation Engineering, Inc. v. Cruz; see also Jesse McIntosh v. Progressive Design and Engineering, Inc., et al. (professional not liable for accident because defect was patent and owner accepted design).

Acceleration of Debt in Mortgage Foreclosures: Beware of the Statute of Limitations

December 22, 2014 Construction Industry Legal Blog

By: James O. Birr, III

Mortgage foreclosures in Florida took an interesting twist in December 2014, due to the recent decision in Deutsche Bank Trust Company, et al. v. Beauvais, et al. This decision effects the time period for bringing foreclosure claims in the event of acceleration and a prior dismissal of a foreclosure lawsuit.

Unlicensed Contracting in Florida: Beware of Arbitrating This Issue

November 25, 2014 Construction Industry Legal Blog

By: James O. Birr, III

The Florida Statutes provide for licensing of certain contractors performing work in this state. If a contractor does not have the requisite licensing, that contractor will not be able to enforce its contract or lien rights. See Florida Statute Section 489.128. This is a dagger to any person seeking to enforce such an illegal contact. While on its face, this statute appears clear, when a party is in arbitration, such an illegal contact may still be enforceable. The Village at Dolphin Commerce Center, LLC, vs. Construction Service Solutions, LLC.

Construction Industry Licensing Board Part II – Proper Methods for Certified General Contractor to Obtain Roofing Experience

November 20, 2014 Construction Industry Legal Blog

Many Florida contractors and license holders have a general understanding of the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board (“CILB”), but like many quasi-judicial bodies, it can remain a mystery to those who practice and appear in front of the CILB. For those who chose to appear pro se in front of […]

Qualifying Agent for Licensed Contractors and the Lake Eola Builders Exception

October 21, 2014 Construction Industry Legal Blog

By Austin B Calhoun

Construction is a risky business. One risk is the danger to the public from activities of incompetent contractors. The Florida Legislature has addressed this risk. Chapter 489, Florida Statutes, regulates construction “contracting,” as defined in Section 489.105(6). To protect the public, a business organization that wishes to engage in contracting must be “licensed.” To be licensed, a business organization must have a “qualifying agent” in accordance with Chapter 489 concerning the scope of the work to be performed under the contract. Fla. Stat. 489.128(1)(a) (2014). This requirement raises questions: Who is a qualifying agent? How does a company register a qualifying agent in accordance with Chapter 489? When does a company need to register a qualifying agent? This blog answers these three questions and addresses the federal Lake Eola Builders case that tries to craft an exception to the strict rules of Chapter 489.

Venue Selection Clauses in Construction Contracts: Contractors and Subcontractors Beware

October 20, 2014 Construction Industry Legal Blog

By: James O. Birr, III

Most well written construction contracts, or any contract for that matter, have provisions governing venue for litigation of disputes arising out of or related to the contract. These types of provisions are commonly referred to as venue selection clauses. Depending on how the venue clause is worded, a court may require the parties to litigate their claims in a venue that does not jibe with what the parties intended. In the context of construction defect cases, and notwithstanding whether the venue clause is mandatory, parties may still be required to litigate in a forum other than the one they selected. Love’s Window & Door Installation, Inc. v. Acousti Engineering Company.

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