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What Does the Sign Say Part II: Practical Solutions for Local Governments

March 6, 2019 Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

As was discussed in Part I of this blog series, all signs are subject to some form of regulation while also carrying First Amendment protection.  This almost always leads to sign regulations that are confusing, inadequate, dated, and often, unconstitutional. Yet local governments across that state of Florida and the […]

What Must be Disclosed When Selling Residential Property in Florida?

November 27, 2018 Florida Business Litigation Blog, Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

Every state has different requirements for what must be disclosed when selling residential property.  Some states don’t require any disclosure and some states require disclosure of facts that don’t tangibly affect the property, such as a murder or suicide.  In Florida, it has always been a violation of the law […]

New Florida Statute Provides Lenders with a Remedy in a Foreclosure Proceeding Against Borrowers who Declare Bankruptcy

October 24, 2018 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Florida Business Litigation Blog, Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

Effective October 2018, lenders have a new remedy in a foreclosure proceeding to expedite the final resolution of the proceeding.  Section 702.12, Florida Statutes creates a presumption in favor of the lender that the borrower waived any defense to a foreclosure proceeding when the borrower’s debt was discharged in a […]

Buyer Actions and Seller Actions for Drafting a Complaint due to a Real Estate Sales Contract Breach

August 6, 2018 Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

A real estate sales contract establishes the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller. As a result, it is important to understand what each party must do to avoid a contract breach. Otherwise, litigation may become necessary in order for you to recoup losses. In this presentation, we provide […]

Things to Look for When Buying Foreclosed Properties: Foreclosure Title Defects

July 30, 2018 Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

Foreclosure sales can be a great find.  The mortgage holder, usually a bank, doesn’t want to take the time to go through the normal property sale process. And they will commonly accepts less than the property’s face value.  However, with these cost savings come potential headaches.  Another lender, the original […]

Commercial Evictions in Florida: What no Landlord Wants to go Through, but What Every Landlord Needs to Know, Part 4: Tenant’s Abandoned Property

July 2, 2018 Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

Parts one, two and three covered how landlords obtain an eviction and judgment for damages resulting from a tenant’s breach of the lease.  However, post-eviction, landlords frequently confront the problem of what to do with the personal property the tenant has left behind.  This may include: office furniture and equipment; inventory or […]

Commercial Evictions in Florida: What no Landlord Wants to go Through, but What Every Landlord Needs to Know, Part 3: The Complaint & Available Damages

June 25, 2018 Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

Parts one and two of this commercial eviction blog series have looked at the process for initiating an eviction when a tenant defaults on payment of the rent or other terms of its lease, and the many statutory requirements for the process.  As a landlord, you should also be aware […]

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Jimerson Birr