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A Speedy Foreclosure in Florida – Proper Utilization of Statute 702.10

January 3, 2012 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

By Austin Calhoun, J.D. 2013

It takes on average 600 days for a party to litigate a foreclosure through trial in Florida. Successful summary judgment motion practice may squeeze that time down to as little as 180 days. Even better, under the proper conditions, a diligent plaintiff can shorten foreclosure time down to less than 60 days by properly utilizing Florida Statute 702.10. If you’re interested in bypassing the foreclosure log-jam to obtain a speedy foreclosure – read on.

Single Spouse Ownership and the Ability to Convey Homestead Property

June 10, 2011 Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

Many people believe that by virtue of holding ownership of a property, the owner may convey the property as they wish. This is not always the case when an individual is married. A home may be owned by only one spouse. The owner of the home may choose to sell or convey the marital home to another individual, without the consent of his or her spouse. In situations such as these, the spouse who failed to give consent, or the “non-joined” spouse, may have a claim invalidating the conveyance through claiming the homestead exemption.

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