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Author: Jimerson Birr

The Remedies Available to Condominium Associations for Rule Violations and the Statutory Process for Enforcement

March 24, 2014 Community Association Industry Legal Blog

When properties within a condominium association are purchased, the purchaser is bound by the association’s governing documents, which can include the declaration, bylaws, articles of incorporation, and rules and regulations. When unit owners violate those governing documents, associations have certain remedies available to it under the Florida Condominium Act. Specifically, Section 718.303, Florida Statutes, provides those remedies and also the procedures that associations must follow to enforce them. This Blog post provides an overview of the statutory remedies available to condominium associations, along with the required procedures that associations must follow to ensure they do not violate the Florida Statues while attempting to enforce their own rules and regulations.

Parking Space Licenses for Condominium Associations are Revocable

March 10, 2014 Community Association Industry Legal Blog

What is the difference between a license, lease, or easement when a resident pays for and enters into an agreement for additional property? This Blog post will analyze the Third District Court of Appeal’s recent decision answering this questions in Keane v. President Condominium Ass’n, Inc., 3D13-746, 2014 WL 626710 (Fla. 3d DCA 2014) and opining on its impact to condominium operations.

Those who Operate Dissolved Corporations can be Held Personally Liable for the Corporate Debt Incurred

February 21, 2014 Professional Services Industry Legal Blog

Under Florida law, the dissolution of a corporation can occur for many reasons. Section 607.1401, Florida Statutes, covers dissolution occurring by the actions of incorporators; section 607.1402, Florida Statutes, concerns dissolution by the board of directors and/or shareholders; and section 607.1420, Florida Statutes, governs administrative dissolution, which is an action commenced by the department of the Florida Secretary of State for various reasons. Whatever the cause for the dissolution, Florida law is clear on the process for winding up the corporation, including the allowable actions by agents, officers and directors subsequent to the dissolution. Specifically, those individuals may not carry on any business except that appropriate to wind up and liquidate the business and its affairs. Fla. Stat. § 607.1405(1). If a person enters into contracts or conducts other business in the name of a dissolved corporation then that person can be held personally liable for those contracts and business obligations. This blog post will discuss the extent of that personal liability and the remedies available to those damaged by corporate action subsequent to dissolution.

Liability for Personal Injuries Arising out of Construction Defects on Commercial Property in Florida

February 19, 2014 Construction Industry Legal Blog

Are you a commercial property owner or a contractor that builds commercial projects in Florida? Or maybe you are an architect or engineer that designs commercial projects in Florida? If so, have you ever wondered who is liable for personal injuries caused by defective construction on commercial property? Generally, the answer lies within the Slavin Doctrine and its application to the facts at hand.

Official Records for Condominium Associations: Part 2 of 3

February 18, 2014 Community Association Industry Legal Blog

Section 718.111(12) of the Florida Condominium Act and Rules 61B-22.002, 61B-22.003(3), 61B-23.002(7) and 61B-23.0021(13) of the Florida Administrative Code provide guidelines for the maintenance and inspection of the association’s official records. Part 1 of this 3 part blog identified what records constitute official condominium association documents. This posting will identify what documents are specifically exempt from association official records.

The Statute of Limitations for a Breach of Contract Claim Does not Apply to all Contracts Equally

February 12, 2014 Professional Services Industry Legal Blog

The statute of limitations refers to the period of time in which a potential plaintiff is allowed to bring a legal claim against a potential defendant. Chapter 95, Florida Statutes, provides the statute of limitations period for all possible causes of action under Florida law. For a breach of contract claim, Section 95.11(2)(b), Florida Statutes, makes clear that the statute of limitations is five years for most contracts (contracts for the improvement of real property have a 4 year statute of limitations). This means that if suit is filed five years and one day after the breached occurred, the defendant could raise a statute of limitations defense and have the suit dismissed. However, not all contracts are the same and, therefore, the statute of limitations does not apply to all contracts equally. This blog post discusses how the statute of limitations for claims involving a breach of contract applies to what is known as installment contracts.

Top Ten Things That Florida Lawyers Need to Know About E-Discovery

February 10, 2014 Professional Services Industry Legal Blog

Anyone involved in litigation today knows that E-Discovery is a growing tool in the litigator’s tool box used for the purpose of the production of documents by electronic means. Specifically, E-Discovery is discovery that deals with the exchange of information in electronic form referred to as Electronically Stored Information (“ESI”). Should a lawyer choose to take the route of E-Discovery during the course of litigation, the following ten categories may help develop a cost and time efficient plan.

Associations can Collect Unit Owner Past-Due Assessments From Tenant’s Rent

February 5, 2014 Community Association Industry Legal Blog

It is inevitable. Every condominium and homeowners’ association must deal with it. It destroys budgets, makes future planning difficult, and burdens all other responsible unit owners with making up the deficit. You guessed it – delinquent unit owner assessments. Because of the devastating impact that unpaid assessments have on associations, the Florida Condominium Act provides some beneficial remedies for associations to utilize in attempting to collect on unit owner delinquencies. For example, Section 718.116, Florida Statues, gives condominium associations a statutory lien on community properties for unpaid assessments, which can be foreclosed similar to a mortgage foreclosure. Section 720.3085, Florida Statutes, provides homeowners’ associations with that same remedy. Yet, associations often overlook what is arguably the most effective remedy available, which is the association’s ability to collect rental payments from the tenants of delinquent homeowners.

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Jimerson Birr