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Author: Jimerson Birr

Part III: What Documents Matter Most In Determining Share Value in a Buyout? An Analysis of Key Documents and Why They Matter

September 21, 2021 Communications & Media Industry Legal Blog, Construction Industry Legal Blog, Franchising Industry Legal Blog, Healthcare Industry Legal Blog, Hospitality Industry Legal Blog, Manufacturing & Distribution Industry Legal Blog, Professional Services Industry Legal Blog, Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog, Technology Industry Legal Blog

Different situations can lead to a corporate buyout.  As a business move, a majority shareholder may seek to buyout the minority shareholders or one company may seek to acquire a majority of another company’s shares.  Buyouts may also be contractually forced under a company’s governing documents or legally forced by […]

September Newsletter: Finding Your Motivation

September 20, 2021 Newsletters

Featured in the September 2021 Issue Partner’s Perspective: Finding Your Motivation Cast Your Vote: Jimerson Birr Nominated for a Reader’s Choice Award from Florida Community Association Journal Join Charlie Jimerson and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation for a Party with a Purpose Curiosities, Ruminations and Various Eccentricities of Firm Biz […]

Powerhouse Panel With Leading Technology, Law Enforcement, Cyber Insurance and Legal Experts to Help Protect Businesses from Crippling Ransomware Attacks

September 15, 2021 Press Room

Jacksonville, Fla. – September 15, 2021 – Jimerson Birr, a business law firm with an overarching mission of adding value with every engagement, has assembled a dynamic panel to offer resources and tools to companies for preventing and responding to ransomware attacks in a free seminar Thursday, October 7, 2021 […]

Part II: What Documents Matter Most In Determining Share Value in a Buyout? An Analysis of Key Documents and Why They Matter

September 13, 2021 Communications & Media Industry Legal Blog, Construction Industry Legal Blog, Franchising Industry Legal Blog, Healthcare Industry Legal Blog, Hospitality Industry Legal Blog, Manufacturing & Distribution Industry Legal Blog, Professional Services Industry Legal Blog, Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog, Technology Industry Legal Blog

Different situations can lead to a corporate buyout.  As a business move, a majority shareholder may seek to buyout the minority shareholders or one company may seek to acquire a majority of another company’s shares.  Buyouts may also be contractually forced under a company’s governing documents or legally forced by […]

Part I: What Documents Matter Most In Determining Share Value in a Buyout? An Analysis of Key Documents and Why They Matter

September 8, 2021 Communications & Media Industry Legal Blog, Construction Industry Legal Blog, Franchising Industry Legal Blog, Healthcare Industry Legal Blog, Hospitality Industry Legal Blog, Manufacturing & Distribution Industry Legal Blog, Professional Services Industry Legal Blog, Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog, Technology Industry Legal Blog

Different situations can lead to a corporate buyout.  As a business move, a majority shareholder may seek to buyout the minority shareholders, or one company may seek to acquire a majority of another company’s shares.  Buyouts may also be contractually forced under a company’s governing documents or legally forced by […]

Florida Senate Bill 56: Changes to Florida’s Condominium Association and Homeowners’ Association Collections Procedures

August 19, 2021 Community Association Industry Legal Blog

On July 1, 2021, Senate Bill 56 went into effect along with Senate Bill 630. While both bills affect the laws governing Florida condominium and homeowners’ associations, Senate Bill 56, specifically, changed the collection and notification procedures for these associations. This article provides an overview of how Senate Bill 56 […]

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Charles B. Jimerson
Managing Partner

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Jimerson Birr