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Author: Jimerson Birr

Wage Garnishment: Does Florida’s Head-of-Household Exemption Apply to Independent Contractor Income

April 15, 2019 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Florida Business Litigation Blog

Often, an entire household is dependent upon the wages earned by a single head-of-household. To protect the financial well-being of these dependents, the Florida legislature has exempted some of these wages from wage garnishment. However, Florida courts have struggled to consistently apply the exemption. The greatest issue has been whether […]

Considerations for Community Association’s Use of Drones for Covenant Enforcement and Maintenance Inspections

April 9, 2019 Community Association Industry Legal Blog

There are benefits to community associations using drones for issues such as covenant enforcement and common area maintenance.  The biggest of which is the cost effectiveness and efficiency of using drones instead of individuals to perform these inspections.  However, there are significant risks as well.  There are a number of […]

How to Calculate Real Estate Valuation Damages in a Construction Defect Action

April 4, 2019 Construction Industry Legal Blog

When determining whether to pursue a construction defect action, few property owners consider the question: “how will my damages be calculated?”. While understandable, failure to properly address this question can prevent owners from recovering the full extent of their damages. This blog post discusses issues that should be considered when […]

Quiet Enjoyment – What Landlords Need to Understand

April 2, 2019 Florida Business Litigation Blog, Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

Almost everyone, regardless of whether they have ever leased out or rented a commercial space, is generally aware of each party’s duties under a commercial tenant lease agreement. The landlord allows the tenant to use his building, in exchange for the tenant making rental payments.  But, most people, even experienced […]

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Jimerson Birr