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Author: Jimerson Birr

The Big Picture on Bid Protests

September 26, 2019 Construction Industry Legal Blog

Bid Protests: Understanding of the Basic Framework Your company just found out that the major multi-million dollar government contract that you spent weeks preparing your best and most competitive bid for has been awarded to another company.  You know your company has the experience and qualifications to do the work, […]

What Construction Professionals Need to Know When Performing Work on Commercial Real Estate

September 24, 2019 Construction Industry Legal Blog

Construction professionals performing work for tenants in a commercial properties face unique challenges.  The construction professional doesn’t want to pass up a good job, but his or her lien rights are limited. As a result, construction professionals want to make sure that they understand how Florida’s already complicated lien law […]

Prejudgment Writ of Attachment in Florida

September 18, 2019 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Florida Business Litigation Blog

The Motion and Affidavit for Prejudgment Writs of Attachment Normally, attachment occurs after a judgment has been entered by the court.  However, the trial court has the authority to order a writ of attachment to a debtor’s property prior to a final judgment order, and/or resolution of litigation.  Generally, prejudgment […]

2019 Amendments to Florida’s Riparian Rights Rules (Otherwise Known as Chapter 18-21, F.A.C.)

September 6, 2019 Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

Waterfront property is something that has attracted millions of residents to Florida over the years.  Whether it be a single-family home, a large homeowners association, a vibrant condo association or a busy commercial marina, the right to utilize the water that lies immediately adjacent to upland property is a long-standing […]

You Break It, You Fix It: Commercial Landlords’ Obligations for Repairs of the Premises

September 3, 2019 Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

It seems like common sense that if the lease for a commercial space is silent on the issue of who’s responsible for maintenance and repairs of the Premises, including the infrastructure and equipment serving the Premises, that the landlord would be liable for maintenance and repair costs.  After all, the […]

Is it a Golf Cart or a Low Speed Vehicle? Florida Community Associations Beware

August 26, 2019 Community Association Industry Legal Blog

Nearly all of Florida’s community associations have rules and regulations governing various aspects of community living.  It is common for those rules and regulations to include restrictions on vehicle usage, and oftentimes there will be specific restrictions on the use of golf carts within the community.  But Florida community associations […]

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Jimerson Birr