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Author: Jimerson Birr

The SAFE Banking Act and Cannabis: Why Banks Should Take Notice

December 3, 2019 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog, Florida Business Litigation Blog, Regulated Industries Legal Blog

Although the attention of the political world is currently drawn to impeachment hearings and the countless nominees vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, Congress has still found time to work on a bill that would allow banking institutions to transact with cannabis businesses.  The SAFE (“Secure and Fair Enforcement”) Banking […]

The Professional Service Corporation: A Deeper Dive Into Florida Statute Chapter 621

November 26, 2019 Florida Business Litigation Blog, Professional Services Industry Legal Blog

The P.A., or P.L.L.C.  is a corporate structure specifically designed for various licensed professionals who wish to hang their shingle and start their own practice.  Fla. Stat. Ch. 621, also known as the Professional Service Corporation and Limited Liability Company Act proscribes certain benefits to those corporations and its members […]

Do Construction Contract Contingent Payment Clauses Mean What They Say? A Guide for Contractors and Subcontractors

November 19, 2019 Construction Industry Legal Blog

Assume you are a subcontractor working on a project to build a large multi-family apartment complex.  You’ve timely and properly performed your work and have submitted monthly pay applications that have been accepted by the contractor and the owner.  However, the owner has recently encountered financial difficulties.  Because of this, […]

Your Skin is a Canvas: Tattoo Parlors and the First Amendment

November 12, 2019 Florida Business Litigation Blog, Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

Earlier this year, I wrote about a unique land use issue and some very specific First Amendment free speech implications related to the regulation of charitable donation bins (The Right to Blight – Charitable Donation Bins, Freedom of Speech, and the First Amendment).  Very few local governments, property owners and […]

Construction Professionals: You can Still be Forced to Arbitrate Outside of Florida

October 2, 2019 Construction Industry Legal Blog

Construction professionals who work on large commercial projects are probably familiar with the ins and outs of arbitration clauses that appear in many construction contracts. They may even be familiar with the Florida Statute, § 47.025, that prohibits contractual clauses that require any legal action, including arbitration, involving a Florida […]

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Jimerson Birr