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Author: Jimerson Birr

Revisiting a Familiar Law School Hypothetical: Spouses Cannot Transfer Marital Homestead Without Spousal Permission

January 10, 2012 Real Estate Development, Sales and Leasing Industry Legal Blog

Recently, we encountered a case reminiscent of a typical law school real property class hypothetical. Our experience with its prosecution inspired me to write a refresher on the law in this area for our readers. Our experience confirmed how we likely stood up in class and answered as a 1L- one spouse cannot transfer ownership of the marital homestead away from the other spouse without notice and permission from both spouses.

December 2011

December 22, 2011 In The News

In a story picked up by The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, USA Today and Yahoo! Finance, two Jacksonville newspapers broke news about Jimerson Birr’s filing of a shareholders derivative action to block $560 Million acquisition.

Pleading Requirements for Establishing an Equitable Lien Claim

December 12, 2011 Construction Industry Legal Blog

In today’s market, there is a much greater risk of investing labor and materials into a construction project as the probability of actually getting paid for your services is markedly reduced. In many cases, a lack of funding leads to abandonment of the project leaving vendors fighting to recover funds owed from whatever money is still left. In this situation, the only legal emedy may be an equitable lien against the real property.

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Jimerson Birr