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Author: James O. Birr, III, Esq.

Contracts in Florida: Do you Have the Right Venue Provision?

October 31, 2017 Professional Services Industry Legal Blog

Contracts are an integral part of business transactions.  Indeed, businesses and their lawyers spend many hours preparing and negotiating contracts covering myriad issues.  Regardless of the type of business contract, it is imperative that parties clearly and succinctly state how and where any contractual disputes get resolved. Oftentimes, contracts contain […]

Homeowners’ Associations in Florida and the Marketable Record Title Act: Are Your Governing Documents Still Valid?

June 1, 2017 Community Association Industry Legal Blog

Florida homeowner and condominium associations’ governing documents (declaration, bylaws and articles of association) are critical for maintaining order and enforcing rules and regulations.  These governing documents are recorded in the public records of the county where the association community resides.  The purpose of recording these documents is to provide notice […]

Construction Defects and Insurance Coverage: When is the Duty to Defend Triggered?

April 3, 2017 Construction Industry Legal Blog

In Florida, an insurance company may have a duty to defend and/or indemnify its insured. The insurance company’s duty to defend its insured (as in defending the insured in a lawsuit) is broader than its duty to indemnify (as in paying for damages caused by the insured). The duty to defend is separate and apart from the duty to indemnify.

Design Professional Liability: Does Your Contract Protect You?

February 27, 2017 Construction Industry Legal Blog

Under Florida law, individual design professionals can be held liable for professional negligence, even if they did not personally contract for the professional services. Moransais v. Heathman. Moreover, Florida’s statutes governing engineering, architecture and geology make clear that individual design professionals are not automatically absolved of liability simply because they are not parties to a contract.

Florida Construction Liens: Is the Lien Fraudulent?

January 16, 2017 Construction Industry Legal Blog

Florida construction lien law allows certain parties who perform construction work to record construction liens if they are not paid. A construction lien is proper when a lienor has not been paid for labor, services, materials or other items furnished in connection with a construction project. Sometimes, however, when a construction lien is recorded, an owner or contractor, subcontractor or sub-subcontractor may argue the construction lien is fraudulent. A party that records a fraudulent lien can be subject to punitive damages, attorneys’ fees, and felony charges.

Eminent Domain in Florida: Recovery of Attorney Fees

November 14, 2016 Florida Eminent Domain Law Blog

Roadwork and other governmental projects are prevalent in Florida and often require the government to acquire private property. Both the Florida Constitution and the United States Constitution provide that no private property shall be taken for a public purpose without full compensation. A land owner’s constitutional right to full compensation for property taken by the government includes the ability to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees in the process. JEA v. Williams. The ability to recover attorneys’ fees, even in pre-suit negotiations, is an important consideration for owners when dealing with a government entity seeking to acquire the owner’s real property.

Independent Contractor or Employee: Know the Difference

October 5, 2016 Professional Services Industry Legal Blog

Business owners must determine the type of workers they will utilize to operate successfully. In some cases, owners think they are hiring independent contractors but, in reality, those workers may actually be employees. Failure to properly classify workers can result in fines, penalties, and payment of back taxes, so it is important that business owners understand the legal distinctions between an independent contractor and an employee.

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