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Author: Brandon C. Meadows, Esq.

Bankruptcy Asset Sales: How a “Free and Clear” Section 363 Sale Affects the Purchaser’s Liability

October 14, 2014 Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog

By: Brandon C. Meadows

When purchasing assets from a bankruptcy estate, purchasers often rely on the protections of 11 USC 363(f) of the Bankruptcy Code, which allows property to be sold “free and clear of any interest in property” if one of five statutory conditions are met. Those conditions are:
1.Applicable non-bankruptcy law permits a sale free and clear of interests;
2.The interest holder consents to the sale;
3.The interest is a lien and the sale price exceeds the aggregate value of all liens on the property;
4.The interest is in bona fide dispute; or
5.The holder could be compelled in a legal or equitable proceeding to accept money satisfaction of its interest in the property.

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