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Insurance Agency Owner Testimonial
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Charles B. Jimerson
Managing Partner

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Insurance Agency Owner Testimonial

December 24, 2020 Client Success, Testimonials

Reading Time: 1 minute

Jimerson Birr exemplifies a firm that understands business as much as they understand the law. They always pleasantly surprise me when I need to know a simple answer on the fly. They are responsive and can get straight to the issue without racking up a big bill for my modest agency. When I refer them work, they take great care of my clients, which helps me develop more business. We’ve had construction and business interruption issues that were really challenging, but they knew how to get a good result from a bad situation. My referral of the firm to my clients is a reflection of my own business and thusly a testament to the faith that I have in them as a whole.

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Jimerson Birr